Privacy Policy

Last Updated: March 27th, 2024

  • When we refer to: "us", "our", "we". We are referring to APB the service and the data we collect and or process. The Policy refers to our procedures and collection and disclosure of what we do with data we collect. “notice” Refers to this privacy policy.
  • “company” Refers to APB
  • By using the service you agree to the collection and use of information in compliance with this policy.

  • Summary of Key Points:

  • What personal information do we process?
    • We may collect personal information depending upon how you use our service. You can find out more information about what data we may collect below.
  • Do we process any sensitive personal information?
    • No we do not process any personal information through our service.
  • Do we receive any information from third parties?
    • Yes we process information from discord, this is so we can sign you into the bot and allow you to access it from our website.
  • How do we process your information?
    • We process your information your information on our servers which allows for us to authorise access to the dashboard for you to configure the bot off platform.

    Content List:

  • 1. What information do we collect?
  • 2. How do we process your information
  • 3. When and with whom do we share your personal information?
  • 4. Do we use cookies and other tracking technologies?
  • 5. How do we handle your social media logins?
  • 6. Is your information being transferred internationally?
  • 7. Do we collect information from minors?
  • 8. Do we make updates to this policy?
  • 9. How can you contact us about this policy?
  • 1. What information do we collect?

  • Personal Information You Disclose To Us
    • In Short: We collect personal information you provide APB.
    • We collection personal information you provide the third party “Discord Inc.” This could mean: User ID, User name , Profile Image, Servers your account is in you registered with onto APB Services.
    • Sensitive Information: We do not collect any sensitive information, how-ever our third party payment handler “Stripe“ processes your billing information to pay for “APB Premium”.
  • Information Automatically collected
    • In Short: Some Information such as your internet Protocol ( IP ) address and/or browser and device characteristics is collected automatically when you visit our website.

    2. How do we process your information

  • In Short: We process your information to provide, Improve and administer our services and to communicate with your devices and for security and fraud prevention and to comply within the boundaries of law.
  • 3. When and whom do we share your personal information?

  • We take your privacy seriously and want to assure you that we do not share your information with any other company, affiliate, or business. Your trust in us is paramount, and we are committed to safeguarding your personal data. Rest assured that your information remains confidential and is used solely for the purposes outlined in our privacy policy.
  • 4. Do we use cookies and other tracking technologies?

  • In Short: We may use cookies and other tracking technologies to collect and store your information.
  • We may use cookies and similar tracking technologies to enhance the features and capabilities of our service, one of these cases is the command: “/Stats”. We collect anomalous data across APB to show what the modules are doing and what APB is doing. We also Use it for the APB Verification system, Data I s Somewhat anomalous with only user ID being an identifier.
  • 5. How do we handle your social Logins?

  • In Short: If you do register with APB, we may have to access certain data to allow you to use our service.
  • We will use your “Discord Account” to allow authorisation to our service, this allows us to provide a online dash board on “”which allows you to use the “Discord Bot” Off platform ( Off Discord ) and on our web application ( Website ) “”
  • We will only use your social media login for “Discord” To Authorise and Authenticate Logins.
  • 6. Is your Information Transferred Internationally?

  • In Short: Your Data May be transferred internationally, if you live outside of France then your data is being transferred internationally.
  • Our servers are located in France. If you are accessing our servers outside of France your data will be transferred internationally for us to allow for you to access our service.
  • 7. Do we collect information from minors?

  • In Short: In Short: We do not knowingly collect data from minors other than automatically collected “IP’s” or “Discord Authorisation”.
  • We do not knowingly collect data from minors. All data Collected is either collected automatically such as Internet Protocol Address ( IP Address ). We also require connection with a account from “Discord Inc”, “Discord Inc” may handle data differently to our company, to find out how the process your data refer to their privacy policy.
  • 8. Do we Update this Policy?

  • In Short: : We do update this policy, the date can be found at the top of when it was last updated.
  • We do update this policy, the date can be found at the top of when it was last updated, this is also posted in the community server on “Discord” which will notify users of the changes.
  • 6. Is your Information Transferred Internationally?

  • In Short: You can contact us regarding this policy at our email: “
  • If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our dedicated support team is here to assist you and provide clarification whenever needed. You can contact us via email at: “”. Your inquiries are important to us, and we strive to address them promptly and comprehensively. We believe in transparency and open communication, and we welcome the opportunity to further explain our policies and procedures to ensure your complete understanding and peace of mind.